?Tribeca Shortlist Watch Full Lojërat e urisë

Lojërat e urisë ∫Tribeca Shortlist



Tomatometers 7,5 / 10 / country USA / directed by Gary Ross / Liked It 792628 Vote / / 142minutes


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(FandangoNOW) Movie Watch The High Note

The High Note (FandangoNOW)



2020; USA; ; A superstar singer and her overworked personal assistant are presented with a choice that could alter the course of their respective careers







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?Niter Movies? Snowpiercer Download Full

Snowpiercer ?Niter Movies?




  • Writed by - Bong Joon Ho, Kelly Masterson
  • release Date - 2013
  • runtime - 2Hour 6 Minutes
  • story - The nations release the substance CW-7 with the intention of controlling global warning, but accidentally it results in another Ice Age destroying Earth. The only survivors live in the train Snowpiercer which is driven by a perpetual motion engine created by the millionaire Wilford (Ed Harris) that lives in the engine part. In 2031, after seventeen years, there is a fight of classes inside the train since the oppressed lower class lives in dreadful conditions in the last wagons of the train while the elite lives in the front wagons. The lower class is fed with protein bars only; they are oppressed and punished by Minister Mason (Tilda Swinton) and her brutal guards; and their children are taken every now and then when they reach a certain height. The leaders Gilliam (Sir John Hurt), Curtis Everett (Chris Evans), and Edgar (Jamie Bell) are plotting a scheme to reach the engine and talk to Wilford about their conditions using the addicted security engineer Namgoong Minsoo (Song Kang-ho) and his clairvoyant daughter Yona (Ko Asung) that are imprisoned to open the locked doors. When the son of Tanya (Octavia Spencer), Tim (Marcanthonee Reis), is captured by Mason, they decide to execute their plan. There are many casualties and soon Curtis discovers that they have been manipulated by Wilford to balance the resources in the train, and why the magnate keeps the lower class alive
  • Bong Joon Ho
  • 7,7 of 10







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Full Length The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Mo

Full Length The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Movie Watch



creator J.R.R. Tolkien

Actor Sean Bean
directors Peter Jackson
Release year 2001
Adventure, Fantasy



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0:11 - 0:18 When Domino"s has arrived. At 2:12 I suddenly thought about the shire, and the way it was before frodo got the ring, and I almost cried. At 4:55 I thought about the very end, when Sam closes the door, and I did cry. At 5:44 I thought about the riders of Rohan charging into battle, and I stood up and cheered! Then at 5:53 I fainted. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the kings. The lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring windows 10. There is nothing but peace in my heart, i feel love. i dream to i will try my best to live in such place smoking pipe and listening this music. 1:08:49 - 1:09:00 I crack up every time.

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There"s always been a Baggins living here, under the hill, in Bag End. And there always will. It"s so sad that this isn"t actually true, since Frodo and Bilbo go with the elves to the west.
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Why can not we live like that? Peace with each other and with the nature.

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